Making the decision to end your marriage is not an easy one. However, when there is no chance of reconciliation, it is time to begin divorce proceedings. Legal processes can be difficult to grasp, but it is important for you to learn as much as possible about the early stages of this process. This is not only for your own understanding, but so you can effectively assist your attorney.

Where to Start

To obtain a New Jersey divorce, either you, your spouse or both, must live in New Jersey for twelve months consecutively. You must also have grounds for divorce. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there must be fault, as New Jersey allows for both at-fault and no-fault divorce action. Nonetheless, fault can be difficult to establish, which is why many couples choose to pursue a no-fault divorce. No-fault divorces may be based on an 18-month separation or irreconcilable differences.

Gather Records

Gathering documents relating to your property, income and schedule is a crucial step in the beginning stages of filing for divorce. Not only will your attorney likely need this information, but opposing counsel will request this information during the process known as discovery. As soon as you can, begin collecting your bills, pay stubs and other documentation relating to your finances.

The Complaint

The document that you file to notify the court that you will be seeking a New Jersey divorce is called the complaint. Along with the complaint, you will need to file a certification that you are acting in good faith and being truthful with the court, along with a certificate of insurance, a certificate that you have read the explanation of dispute resolution options, and a written statement detailing information about your income.

By knowing these steps well and adhering to them carefully, you can ensure a smoother process for you and your attorney. Though the process is a difficult one, an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney will guide you every step of the way. Call the trusted family law attorneys at Thomas & Krail, LLC today.